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Year 3

Monday 3rd February 2025


In RE, Year 3 have been looking at the big question: What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?


They were really lucky to go to St Aidan’s where Carolyn took them through the process of Holy Communion. The bread the children were allowed to have hadn’t been blessed, so they were free to eat it if they wanted to.


We sang a song and the children were allowed to investigate everything else in the room.


Carolyn led a question and answer session. The children demonstrated a good knowledge of the Communion service and asked some very thought-provoking questions.


We were all thrilled to have a go at ringing the church bell!


You could ask your child what the photographs are showing, what ‘Communion’ means (sharing together), anything new they learnt and what they enjoyed most about the trip.

Thursday 23rd January 2025


The children have been learning about magnetism in Science this week.  They made predictions about which objects they thought would be magnetic but were interested to discover that whilst magnetic objects were made of metal, not all metals were magnetic e.g. brass and copper. 

Thursday 16th January 2025


This week, in Science, we have been looking at friction.  The children were measuring how far a car would travel down ramps with different surfaces.  We thought about how to make the investigation fair and reasons why some surfaces might enable the car to go further when considering the properties of what they were made from. 

Wednesday 8th January 2025


This term in Computing, children will be looking at Programming and using Scratch to explore.  Yesterday, the children had their introductory lesson where they got to add 'Sprites' which they will be programming in subsequent lessons and explored how to add different backgrounds to their stage.  

Thursday 19th December 2024


The children in Class 8 made Christingles and talked about their symbolism for Christians with Jesus being the light of the world.  We even managed to light a few outside before the wind blew them out. 

Tuesday 17th December 2024


Thank you to all the children and grown ups who got involved in making a Stone Age home.  They were so creative and unique and we really appreciated the effort so late in the term. 

Wednesday 11th December 2024


This afternoon in Year 3, the children had the chance to make some Christmas crafts.  They were working on those fine motor skills with some cutting, sticking and adding their own flair to elves and penguins! 

Wednesday 4th December 2024


In Art, we have been looking at colour.  We have explored primary, secondary and tertiary colours.  Last week, we made collages with warm and cool colours and today, we looked at contrasting colours on the colour wheel. The children then created monsters using two opposite colours such as yellow and purple.

Tuesday 26th November 2024


To conclude our topic on Rocks and Soils, we collected three soil samples from different places.  We mixed them with water and waited as they settled.  We looked at the different layers.

Thursday 21st November 2024


In Art, we have been exploring colour and last week we reviewed what secondary colours were, which the children would have learnt in Year 2.  Yesterday, we were learning about tertiary colours, which are created from primary colours being mixed with secondary colours. 

Wednesday 6th November 2024


This afternoon, we were using different media in sketchbooks using Stonehenge as our inspiration.  

We explored using pastel, chalk, charcoal, pencils, paint and pen.  They seemed to really enjoy this task

Friday 11th October 2024


As part of our PHSE curriculum, we are beginning to learn about people who help keep us safe - we were fortunate to have Mr Greenway come and talk to us about firefighting and fire safety. 

Thursday 10th October 2024


This afternoon, in Science, we were testing the permeability, hardness and durability of metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks.  We will be looking at the results more closely next week but found some interesting results for sedimentary rocks.

Monday 7th October 2024


in Art and History, we have been learning about Stone Age cave art and what it can reveal to us about that period in history.  The children had a go at creating their own. 

Thursday 26th September 2024


Today, we were using drama to act out a scene from The Twits.  We are hoping it will help the children with incorporating speech in their writing next week. 

Thursday 19th September 2024


Today in History we were discussing the Stone Age.  We talked about how far back in history it goes and how it would be impossible to show on a timeline so we tried to demonstrate it with a really long toilet roll.  Most of the history we learn about at school would fit on the first two sheets of paper and the Stone Age would be right at the other end of the roll. We also asked questions about objects found from that period. 
