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Friday 19th January 2024 - Young Voices at the O2


The children of the Fairways Choir had a fabulous day last Friday singing at the O2 Arena, London. It was a long and tiring day of rehearsals but culminated in a wonderful performance. The children joined a mass choir of 7800 children from all over Britain, including a school from the Channel Islands. They also had the pleasure of singing with drumming sensation Nandi Bushell and singer-songwriter Natalie Williams. 



Friday 5th May 2023


To celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III, we sang New King by Banji Alexander today. Click HERE to listen to the original song.

Fairways Sings New King by Banji Alexander

Despite a forecast of rain, the sun was shining at lunchtime which meant that we were all able to have a picnic on the field.

Wednesday 22nd March 2023


Billy's Band came to visit Fairways. The musicians entertained the children with a variety of musical styles. The children learnt to conduct the music and added rhythmic and vocal patterns, as well as singing some familiar songs. Miss Howard was given the chance to conduct the musicians too. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to experience some live music.

Monday 6th March 2023


We welcomed Mike and Andrea from Belfairs Methodist Church to our school. They lead our assembly to tell us about the clubs they run. Some of our children who attend their Girls’ Brigade sang one of their songs and showed us the actions. The children were brilliant! 


They told us about their 10 o’clock Club for 3 to 18 year olds that meet on Sunday mornings from 10:00am until 11:20am sounds really good with activities such as singing songs, creating artwork, doing crafts and studies and then they share their work with their grown-ups. 


We also found out about the Boys’ Brigade they run. They meet on Mondays from 6:00pm for 5 year olds to 11 year olds and 7:30pm for 11 to 18 year olds.  


The Girls’ Brigade meet on Wednesdays at 5:30pm for 5 to 11 year olds and 7:00pm for 11 to 18 year olds.  


At both the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade clubs, they have activities where the children can achieve a badge for completing it and they run games for all to enjoy. 


Everyone is very welcome to go to these clubs! 


We were really surprised that Angela, one of the members of the church, had very kindly and generously bought every child in the school a chocolate! There were even enough for the staff to enjoy too!  

World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March 2023


What a fantastic buzz around school we had today.  The children (and staff) looked fantastic in their costumes.   A huge thank you to everyone for making such a great effort. We had shared reading sessions with children in classes reading to others and talking about their favourite book characters. Children were busy trying to solve the mystery of who the Masked Readers were and also took part in a book token design competition. The day  culminated with a parade!


Monday 23rd January 2023


Some children were invited to take part in a Beatboxing workshop. Danny from School of Beatbox came in to work with them. They learnt the basic sounds needed to create a drum beat, and some special effects too. The children were amazed by the sounds that Danny could create with his voice.


"It was really good. The aeroplane sound scared the life out of me!"

"I really enjoyed it. I liked that we got to use the microphone to create the sounds."

"It was very good. Danny was very funny!"

Friday 20th January 2023 - Young Voices at the O2


Our School Choir performed with thousands of other children at the O2 last Friday. They all had an incredible time, behaved impeccably and were an absolute credit to the school.



Wednesday 9th November 2022


The Year 5 and 6 Eco Warriors and the Year 6 Recycling Monitors had the fantastic opportunity last week, to visit the Southend Plasticity event. They listened to an interesting talk about 3D printing and saw some 3D printers in action. They then visited the mobile hub and found out about how plastics that we recycle are broken down to be reused. They also received a gift of a recycled plastic, 3D printed, Fairways Christmas decoration.

Thursday 14th July 2022


Finally, after three years, our Dramatic Arts Club did a fantastic performance of The Wizard of Oz this week. 

The audience really enjoyed our outdoor show around the school grounds and the children absolutely loved taking part. 

All their hard work making props (originating from Mrs Mason's creativity and Mrs Seely's support) and perfecting their acting skills certainly paid off. They should all be extremely proud of themselves!

Friday 6th May 2022 - Young Voices at the O2



Thursday 3rd March 2022 - World Book Day


It was wonderful to see everyone in costume as their favourite book characters.  The children have been working hard at school to complete a writing project: where they were paired up with another pupil in the school and wrote each other a story.  This afternoon the children return to their partners and read them the story they had written for each other.  We also enjoyed a whole school parade in our costumes.  





Monday 7th February 2022


Every class was excited to visit Mrs Chant and look at the Usborne Books in their Reading Sessions this afternoon.  

Rocksteady Music Lessons


Rocksteady Music Lessons began today and the children were very eager to get started!

Rocksteady Music School


Tim, from Rocksteady Music School, visited to work with the children and demonstrate some of the instruments used in a rock band.


Some of the children played the instruments as part of a band while the rest of the children sang and played imaginary guitars or keyboards.


The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and some were inspired to become rock stars of the future.

Thursday 7th October 2021 - AJ Bell Women’s Tour Stage Four

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We cheered on the elite cyclists in the AJ Bell Women’s Tour Stage Four this afternoon as they passed Fairways!

ReadingZone Picture Book Competition 2021

Children's Book Week - Friday 7th May 2021

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It was lovely for everyone to see each others costumes today in our socially distanced bubbles.

Children's Book Week - Friday 7th May 2021

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Fairways June 2020 - A Message For Our Learners

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Double Rainbow Over Fairways

Young Voices at The O2 - Thursday 23rd January 2020

34 children from Year 4, 5 and 6 travelled to the O2 to take part in Young Voices with over 8,000 other children.


It was an incredible experience for all involved and they got to sing with Ruti, The Shires and Tony Hadley!


Thank you to family and friends who came to support ... we hope you enjoyed it!

Arriving at The O2



Young Voices at The O2

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Young Voices at The O2

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Young Voices at The O2

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Young Voices at The O2

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The Choir - Christmas 2019


The choir have been busy through this festive season learning carols and popular songs.

This culminated in very successful concerts during this past week at Westwood (assisted living care home), The Woodcutters, organised by Sir David Amess MP and at Cavell Lodge (residential care home).


I was with my mother today at Cavell Lodge and had the pleasure of listening to your school’s choir.

It was delightful and the residents faces was just so lovely.
After singing the children went round and spoke to the residents - they were so polite and seemed               genuinely interested in talking.  The girl who was chatting to my Mother was so sweet and seeing my Mother’s face light up was something I’ll always remember.  It’s quite difficult talking to people with Dementia but your pupils were so relaxed about it and just took it in their stride.
Perhaps you can tell the choir how impressed I was in every way.

Anti-Bullying Week Competition


Thank you for all of the inspiring anti-bullying week creations linked to the theme 'Change Starts with Us'. We have been so impressed with your efforts and here is just a small selection for you to enjoy. All of the creations will be displayed in our Anti-bullying Gallery in the Year 2 corridor. 


It was so difficult to choose an overall winner. Neve's poem 'Jump on Board' was eventually chosen because of its catchy and important message. Well done everyone and, as Neve said, "Let's all jump on board the anti-bullying bus, because a change starts with US!" 

Odd Socks Day Performance - Tuesday 12th November 2019


We have had our eye on the weather forecast all day due to the threat of heavy rain this afternoon.


However, it remained dry which meant that children in Year 1 to Year 6 were able to perform 'You've Got A Friend In Me' to family and friends as part of our Odd Socks Day.  


Thanks to your generosity, we raised £318.30 for the Anti-Bullying Alliance.


You've Got A Friend In Me

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Enhanced Healthy School Status - Friday 8th November 2019


Pupil representatives have just returned from the Healthy Schools Awards and were delighted that we received Enhanced Healthy School Status in recognition of 'Leading Emotional Health and Wellbeing'.

Odd Socks Day Workshop - Friday 8th November 2019


Children from Year 1 to Year 6 took part in a workshop today with Mrs Carr.

After warming up their voices, they were introduced to the song 'You've Got A Friend In Me' in preparation for their performance on Tuesday at 3pm.


Take a sneak peek at Year 3’s warm up and first practice.



Warming Up! #1

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Warming Up! #2

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You've Got A Friend In Me

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Sparks and Spooks Assembly - Thursday 24th October 2019


This morning, in assembly, we were visited by Stuart Huxter from Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. He spoke with children from Year 1 to Year 6 about being safe at Halloween and Bonfire Night and shared the following presentation and videos:


Fireman Sam.wmv

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Firework Safety.wmv

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Bonfire Safety.wmv

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Shared Reading - Friday 18th October 2019


This morning, the whole school took part in a shared reading session. Every child in every class paired up with another child of a different age to share a book. Each child took it in turn to read to their partner.

"Today, throughout the school, classes swapped some children to read with others.

Our class swapped with Year 1 and here you can see some of our class reading with their younger schoolmates." - Mrs Walker (Year 4 Teacher)

"Class 8 and Class 2 had a wonderful time this morning sharing their books together." - Miss Khan (Year 3 Teacher)

"It was a delight to watch our Year 6 pupils read today with children in the younger year groups.  Class 13 were paired with a Year 1 class and Class 14 with a Year 3 class.  The children read books together and supported the younger children in reading their reading books." - Mrs Brierley (Year 6 Teacher)

Harvest Festival - Friday 4th October 2019


The whole school visited St Aidans on Friday 4th October for our Harvest Festival. Thanks to your generosity, we provided much needed provisions for HARP


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