Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Tuesday 8th March 2022
Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed the Dickens Theatre Company performing Macbeth to them today. After reading Macbeth in recent weeks, the DTC brought this Shakespeare classic to life.

Friday 11th February 2022
Year 6 have been busy writing blogs for Year 5 on their experience with Macbeth this term.
Friday 14th January 2022
Year 6 have been busy voting this week in PSHE as we have been learning about the importance of democracy in the United Kingdom. We looked back at the last election in 2019 and studied each of the 8 parties' manifestos; we then took our own poll and each voted for our preferred party. The votes have been counted and verified and Year 6 voted The Green Party! They were particularly impressed with the 'Clean Air Act' and the idea of lowering the voting age to 16.
Computing lessons this term will be focused around Coding. We started to look at inputting algorithms by having a hands-on lesson using Probots! The children were challenged to code their Probot to create different shapes, using the repeat button for efficiency in their coding. Some children were even able to use their knowledge of angles and lengths to input the code for a 'star shape'!

In Maths this term, we are continuing to learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions with increasing difficulties. On Friday, Mr Davies's class worked in groups in a bid to solve a Fractions Monster challenge! All groups worked tirelessly and systematically during the lesson and got so close to completing their monster. In the end, only one group managed to successfully build a monster that met all of the requirements of the problem which shows just how hard this problem was!

Wednesday 12th January 2022
"The Highlands of Scotland" is our theme in Year 6 for this half term.
In English, we are enjoying reading "Macbeth" and on Wednesday afternoons our lessons have a Scottish focus.
This week, in History, we have continued to find out about important Scottish Kings and Queens. We were discovering the main events in the life of Mary, Queen of Scots and creating a time line to record them.
Understanding the main land-use in Scotland was the focus of our Geography lesson. We used maps, including Google Earth to help us to learn about land-use and we compared different areas in Scotland as well as in the UK as a whole.
We are using our creativity in Art to design our own tartan by studying different tartans and identifying the features of the design.

Wednesday 15th December 2021
Year 6 continued their World War two theme of "Make Do and Mend" as they recycled items to make some fantastic festive decorations. Old library books were made into trees, odd jigsaw pieces were painstakingly stuck together to make wreaths and candy canes. Santas and other Christmas characters were created out of lollipop sticks.

Wednesday 8th December 2021
Snow was falling this afternoon as Year 6 built snowman marshmallows and creatively decorated them with colourful sweets. Meanwhile, some children decorated Christmas trees instead.
We hope they made it home in one piece; if not, these photos will give you an idea of what they looked like!

Friday 19th November 2021
Yesterday in Year 6, we were learning how to order and compare fractions, which had different numerators and denominators.
Some of the children took on the role of 'Teacher' to help and support those who were finding it a little tricky, learning how to explain mathematical methods clearly and precisely.
All of the children really enjoyed the challenge and had fun learning from each other.
Friday 22nd October 2021
Yesterday, a visitor from Rhythm Connections came to teach the children Samba drumming. Some of the children attended an assembly while others attended a workshop. They experienced drumming from Brazil and the rhythms used within a carnival. The children learnt how to memorise the rhythms, using sentences, and how the band leader communicates with the other musicians as they’re marching, dancing and playing.
Wednesday 20th October 2021
"They gathered under a tree and spread the food out. There were scones that had been spread with butter and jam, spam sandwiches", marmalade sandwiches and egg sandwiches." (Goodnight Mister Tom)
Year 6 pupils wanted to know what Spam was and what it tasted like - so we tried some! Many children, to their surprise liked it whilst others gave it a miss.

Monday 18th October 2021
In Science lessons this term, Year 6 have been picking up from where they left off in Year 4; recapping and extending their knowledge of electricity. The children have been investigating the effects of voltages applied in a circuit on the brightness of the bulb. They also planned and carried out their own investigations on the effects that varying wires lengths can have on the components in a circuit.
This week sees the children wrap our focus on the topic, by making and testing their very own switches!
In History, we have been learning about the outbreak of WW2, including the impact on the home front. In particular, the children have been learning about different air-raid shelters and making comparisons.
We tried our hand at following some instructions on how to build our very own Anderson Shelters in Design and Technology. We also made authentic looking evacuee suitcases, just like William Beech had in the book we are reading: Goodnight Mr Tom.

In Art lessons, we have been investigation propaganda posters and original artwork that was used in World War 2. The children have applied skills of sign-writing that they have been practising, to a poster of their own. Some children opted to create a poster that can be used in the modern day.

In Geography, we have been locating the European countries that fought in World War 2. The children recognised just how much of Europe Germany had started to control in the early years of the war. We created a key in order to map the location of the Allies, Axis and Neutral nations.
The children investigated how Europe has changed since the war; including the separation of Czechoslovakia and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The children are now working hard to compare the Human and Physical Geographical differences between two countries of their choice that were on opposing sides of the war!
Towards the start of the year, Year 6 were put through their paces during an Army styled Bootcamp! It saw them work together in teams and overcome lots of physically testing challenges!

Friday 17th September 2021
Last Friday, Year 6 had a great visit to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford.
We were in awe looking at the collection of planes and other artefacts from World War Two. As we sat in the Anderson shelter, we imagined what it would have been like for children during an air raid. As we explored a hangar dedicated to land warfare; we were able to see some tanks and other armoured vehicles.
Our trip took place the day before the air show, so we were extremely lucky to be able to see many aircraft taking off and landing as well as flying in formation.
Our visit really brought our study of World War Two to life and helped to broaden our understanding of this important era of British History.