Year 6
Friday 25th October 2024
Children have been making their Anderson Shelters and they were incredibly successful!
They planned their ideas and decided on resources they would need to bring in. Working in groups, they did a super job of gathering the items they needed, adapting plans where necessary and making their final products together.
Through excellent communication and collaboration, the children endeavoured to create fabulous versions of their designs. There were so many superb ideas and the results of their effort and teamwork are amazing.
Great job Year 6.

Friday 11th October 2024
Year 6 hosted a cake sale - their first fundraising event of the year was a big success! We are so very proud of them all for putting in so much effort.
Thank you to everyone who baked, bought and ate goods, and to those who contributed money. We raised a phenomenal amount and we look forward to our Christmas fundraising event next half term.
We would like to say a special thank you to the children in The Fundraising Team for their hard work and effort in the build-up and during the event.

Friday 27th September 2024
This week, Year 6 were investigating the potential of using different fruit and vegetables as batteries.
We planned, researched and predicted the outcome of an experiment involving lemons, limes, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and apples as the power source to light a bulb.
Our intention was to compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, making predictions based on subject knowledge and individual experiences.
Each group constructed a simple circuit without batteries. They used different items for the anodes and cathodes such as screws, nails and coins.
The children worked tirelessly to investigate and were hoping to make the bulbs light up... But this did not happen for any of the circuits. Despite their continued efforts, adapting and trialling different resources, none of the circuits worked successfully.
Even when we combined resources across the year group, we could not produce light.
Even though we were not successful this time, children understood that Science experiments sometimes produce abnormal or disappointing results and this is why investigations/tests need to be done many times in real life.
Although the conclusion was not expected, everyone still enjoyed the activity.

Monday 23rd September 2024
Year 6 have been busy learning about 'land use' in Geography. This week, we immersed ourselves in ordnance survey maps of our locality. The children are beginning to understand how land is used in different ways and can now identify these patterns using both aerial photographs and ordnance mapping. Next, we are learning how these land use patterns have changed since World War 2.

Wednesday 18th September 2024
This week in PE, some of the children worked together in groups to develop their balancing skills. They practised a variety of movements and set pieces which included counter balances, tension balances and weight on balances.

Friday 13th September 2024
Year 6 enjoyed their trip to Duxford and had the opportunity to engage in lots of activities throughout the day which will support their learning in our WW2 topic. The children behaved incredibly well and demonstrated their maturity in representing our school.