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PE and Sport Premium



What is ‘PE and Sport Premium funding’?


PE and Sport Premium funding has been provided jointly by the Department for Education, the Department for Health and Culture and the Department for Media and Sport.  It has been allocated to primary schools and is ring-fenced to be spent on the provision of PE and sport in schools. Information about allocation can be found here:


Schools receive PE and Sport Premium funding based on the number of pupils in Years 1 to 6. Fairways receives £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil. A total of £19950 was received in the 2021/2022 academic year.


At Fairways, we foster and promote a positive attitude to all forms of PE, Games and Healthy Living.

The Sports Premium is used to enhance this attitude and with it, we fund a trained Sports Instructor, membership of the Southend Partnership of School Sports Association (SPSSA), plus equipment and other expenses, such as transport costs to sporting events when relevant.




During 2021/2022, all pupils received a range of physical activities, including at least two designated PE/Games lessons per week, one led by the Sports Instructor and the other by the class teacher.  Every child also had opportunities to engage in other organised activities either before school, at playtime and lunchtime and after school.  This ensures that 100% of pupils receive at least 30 minutes of activity each day.  Fairways also subscribes to The Daily Mile, ensuring physical activity.


Our extensive grounds offer structured physical activities available throughout the year, including an adventure Trim Trail playground, an adventure climbing playground, two table tennis tables and various fun markings on the ground, such as Hopscotch. 


Except in winter, when it may be too wet or muddy, our large field is used by all pupils both in PE and game lessons and at playtimes.  We have two playgrounds and halls, which are also used.


All staff are aware of where and when physical activities can take place and this is reaffirmed termly during whole staff meetings or training sessions.


Fairways offer a large number of before school, lunchtime and after school clubs which a majority of pupils participate in throughout the year in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


During the year, pupils were asked their opinions on a questionnaire and 98% responded that they enjoyed PE lessons.


As of July 2022, Fairways are awaiting reaccreditation of the Healthy Schools Mark.


This year, we have continued and enhanced the current level of physical activities offered both in and out of lesson time.


Sporting achievements are celebrated weekly in a whole school assembly. In addition, four awards are given weekly for Consideration, Setting an Example, Working Hard and Teamwork.  There is also a display in the main corridor showing team photos and participation in competitions which is changed regularly.


Through the SPSSA and other sporting organisations, eg The Football Association, Fairways entered a broad range of competition during 2021/2022 and enjoyed increased participation.  We also participated in a number of non-competitive festivals whereby schools can show case their talents, eg dance.


A number of intra competitions were also held including, Sports Day, in which all children are involved and this year, a competitive Commonwealth Challenge to celebrate the country’s Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.


Participation in sport is encompassed across all key stages, including Early Years and Key Stage 1, who have their own Sports Day and increasingly participate in events through the SPSSA.  Events are organised in one of four categories:


1. Competitive events where the most talented take part.  Trials are held for these and ALL children can try out; these are the most numerous events organised by the SPSSA. 

2. Competitive events for those less talented ie: B and C team events. 

3. Festivals: non-competitive events where talents are showcased. 

4. SEND: events and festivals for those pupils with special needs, where it has not been possible to participate in other events.


This year, Fairways has participated in 21 inter or intra competitions and festivals covering Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


This year, we have introduced a Sports Council comprising of Year 6 pupils who serve as positive role models and either lead or assist with sports based activities.


All children, including gifted and talented and disabled, are encouraged to participate in clubs and strive to represent the school in competition.  All events and achievements, both for school clubs or those out of school are celebrated in whole school assemblies and in the published “Fairways Weekly News”.


This year, Southend United Football Club has provided “Healthy Living Lessons” for pupils from Year 4 to 6. These cover the benefits of exercise, a healthy diet, body image and personal safety.


Fairways is proud of the positive behaviours displayed throughout the school, which can, in part be attributed to our provision which promote active and healthy life choices.


The Sports Instructor is overtly held in high regard by adults within the school which, in turn, encourages the same opinion in the children, thus promoting further a positive view of a healthy and active lifestyle.

The teaching and learning of PE and Games is of a high quality.  Lessons are planned and managed by the Sports Instructor with the PE Leader and are monitored termly.  One lesson a week is delivered by the Instructor, plus others where teacher liaison and team teaching/observation takes place for CPD/ training .


Pupil progress is assessed termly and yearly by comparison, measurement and observation at the beginning and end of modules (skills, speed, stamina, timings etc).  Children are frequently given the opportunity to take part in leading or managing part of an activity, for instance, act as referee, umpire, time and score keeper and leading stretches /cool down.


Actions/Targets for 2022/23


  • Increased provision of SEND participation in competition and festivals.
  • Membership of the SPSSA and transport costs to and from relevant events.
  • Encourage those less naturally talented sportspersons and enter more B and C tournaments. 
  • KS1 and 2 pupils shall continue to be encouraged to join a club.
  • Take stock and monitor the quality of our sports equipment.
  • Increase staff confidence through CPD. (Minimum half termly.)
  • Raise the profile of PE through newsletter, assemblies, Sports Council, notice board and apply for the Sportsmark.
  • Targeted swimming provision.


Meeting National Curriculum requirements for Swimming and Water Safety


Responses to survey July 2022:


What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? 78%


What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? 58%


What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? 24%
