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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Thursday 14th July 2022


This morning, in our Maths lesson, Class 9 were investigating lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.  The children seemed to establish that regular shapes had the same number of sides as lines of symmetry although would like to test this theory further with alternative regular and irregular shapes. 

Monday 11th July 2022


Despite our last minute change of trip venue, the children had a great day at Belfairs Woods.  We were grateful for the tree cover in the extreme heat and the children made the most of not being in the classroom for the day.  Here is a snapshot of some of the things the children got up to whilst there.  We had ice lollies and played a couple of calm games in the shade when we returned to school.  Whilst we were sorry for the change of plan, the children took it very well.  They were a credit to the school and their parents.

Monday 27th June 2022


As part of our Geography curriculum, Year 4 were looking at Ordinance Survey maps this afternoon and making use of four-figure grid references to locate places on a map of Southend.  They were also using the symbols in the key to identify features found on maps. 

Friday 27th May 2022


As part of our DT curriculum covering hygiene and food preparation, today the children made a Platinum Jubilee dessert.  They understood the importance of washing their hands and preparing the work surface as well as taking care when chopping with sharp knives.  Not everyone would have been a fan of the Fat Free Greek Yoghurt but it was a healthier option. They loved the strawberries! 

Thursday 19th May 2022


This afternoon in Art, as part of the lead up to the Platinum Jubilee, the children were making prints of the 1st class stamp.  First, the children had to carefully outline a photocopy of the Queen using a very sharp pencil to make dots around the Queen onto a polystyrene tile.  Then they had join the dots to ensure they had a complete line.  They then painted thick printing paint onto the tile.  Finally, they pressed the painted tile onto paper, rolled it and carefully peeled it away to reveal the outline of the stamp.   They did a great job.

Thursday 28th April 2022


In Science this week, we have continued learning about classifying by using classification keys.  We started off thinking about how we might group some of the children in the class (by hair style, uniform, eye colour, glasses etc) and then began classifying sweets.   Next week, we will apply this knowledge to sorting vertebrate animals into different groups.

Friday 22nd April 2022


Yesterday afternoon, as part of our new Science topic on Animals and Habitats, Year 4 explored the gardens outside.  We were looking for minibeasts with a view to classifying them later on.  We were looking out for how many legs the creatures had, if they had wings, shells, antennae or pincers and so on.  A couple of the children even found a massive spider!

Wednesday 9th March 2022


This week, Year 4 have been using the wonderful 'Now>Press>Play' resource to enhance their learning about the Anglo Saxons.  The children were narrated through a story and had to follow the actions as if they were the main character, ultimately saving their village from destruction by the Vikings and appeasing their village chief with the gift of a brooch.  They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we are going to use this as inspiration for our writing in subsequent days. 

Thursday 3rd March 2022


For World Book Day, the children had a great time dressing up as some of their favourite book characters.  We also had the opportunity to pair up with another class to find out some of their interests and then write stories tailored to what the children like.  Year 4 paired up with reception and Year 1.  We worked on the stories throughout the week and then shared them on World Book Day.  The reception children were able to retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  Here are some photos of the children's outfits on the day and their interactions with Class 2. 

Thursday 24th February 2022


We were experimenting with electricity again this afternoon.  This week we were testing for conductors and insulators.  The children made their electric circuits and then tested different items to discover which ones conducted electricity.  Noticing that a wooden peg did not conduct electricity but the metal spring did, helped cement the idea that it was mostly the metal items which conducted electricity (unless they were coated in plastic).


We also talked about switches and made a makeshift one out of two strips of aluminium foil.  We noticed that when they switch was closed, the bulb lit up but when the switch was open it broke the circuit and so the bulb went out. 

Wednesday 23rd February 2022


Our PSHE and Art lessons were linked this week as we have been describing how different emotions feel and can be shown through art.  We had some interesting conversations about what some of the emotions are and things which make us feel those emotions.  We then looked at some pictures of art and it was interesting to see how not everybody felt the artist was showing the same emotion.  The children then created their own art to show either one emotion or several different ones using different mediums.  They had a choice of oil or chalk pastels, watercolour, collage or simply sketching pencils.  The photos included are just a selection.  Can you guess which emotions they are conveying?

Friday 11th February 2022


As part of our History and Art curriculum, we researched information about Anglo-Saxon brooches and created a page in our sketch books. 

We then designed our own brooches using our research as inspiration.  We created them using card, string and foil (cutting and gluing the string was quite tricky).  Finally, we embellished them with jewels. 

Thursday 27th January 2022


This afternoon, Class 10 had their go with constructing circuits and found the difference between incomplete and complete circuits. We managed to get some bulbs lit and some buzzers ringing.

Wednesday 26th January 2022


Today, Class 9 were constructing a simple series circuit as part of our electricity topic.  It ended up being a lesson in perseverance as we could not all get the bulbs to light straight away.  We had more success with the buzzers and then drew simple diagrams showing the different symbols for the different circuit components.  Class 10 get to try it tomorrow!

Wednesday 19th January 2022


We are learning about the Anglo Saxons. We started talking about how they would have made their clothes from natural materials like wool and linen and how there would have been quite a process involved to then weave the fibres to make cloth.  We decided to have a go with paper weaving, with the idea of the paper card acting as the loom with 'warp' cuts and paper strips acting as the 'weft'. 

Tuesday 16th November 2021


As part of our RE curriculum this term we are looking at significant events in a person’s life and specifically some of the ways these are marked in different religions.  This morning, we were able to visit St. Aidan’s church to learn about how Christians sometimes have a christening or infant baptism when they want to commit their child into the Christian faith.  They were able to observe a ‘mock christening’ and ask questions.  Vicar Tarry then gave the children an opportunity to explore and look at some of the features in the church. 

Friday 12th November 2021


In Science this week we were exploring how sound travels through different mediums as vibrations, not only in air but through solids and liquids too.  We explored this in different ways but finished by making string telephones and seeing if we could hear our partner's message.  Many of us could! 

Wednesday 3rd November 2021


This term, Year 4 have enjoyed finding out about Ancient Egyptian jewellery. They made an Egyptian amulet and a necklace. They have also been busy designing and making an Egyptian headdress. The children really enjoyed the art activity (especially using the glitter!) Well done Year 4, they look great!

Friday 22nd October 2021


This afternoon, Year Four discussed how different web browsers are available on different operating systems.  Then we learned how to create a ‘favourite’ or ‘bookmark’ to save us time when using the internet.  Perhaps ask your children if they can name more than one browser and what their preferred browser is. 

Wednesday 20th October 2021


In French, we have been recapping numbers and animals this term (including plurals).  We have worked towards using that vocabulary in sentences with the verb 'avoir' -to have.  We used our speaking and listening skills to practise and then wrote some sentences. 

Thursday 7th October 2021


Year 4 have been looking at states of matter in Science and had investigated evaporation one week and this week they have been looking at melting solids into liquids (culminating with the children all getting to dunk a marshmallow in melted chocolate).
