Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Tuesday 12th July 2022
Pupils in Year 2 had lots of fun visiting a Japanese Restaurant this afternoon. They each wrote a review of the experience.
"This restaurant had lovely Japanese music and the chopsticks were interesting to learn how to use. The decorations were very pretty."
"I loved the flavour of the food."
"I really liked one of the staff, she was called Mrs Mardle, she showed me how to use the chopsticks."
Friday 13th May 2022
In Art we have been learning about the famous artist Henri Rousseau. We have studied his paintings carefully, "He has tigers, monkeys and parrots in them." "My favourite one is the tropical storm." "He never even went to a jungle." We worked together in our classes to produce a large class version inspired by his work. What do you think?
Year 2 at Colchester Zoo
Friday 18th March 2022
Nose and Spoon Races in the Year 2 garden!
Tuesday 8th March 2022
In our Geography lessons today, we started exploring globes and atlases to help us find out information about our planet. We learnt that there are around 200 countries which are divided into 7 continents. To help us remember the names of the continents we listened to this song:
Friday 4th February 2022
As part of our Vehicles focus, today we joined the Year 1 children in meeting some Police Officers and seeing their Police car. Unfortunately, it was a very wet visit!
Ask us about how the colour is put onto the Police car, or how the siren is started...
On Wednesday, we learnt about the Chinese New Year from a very special teacher: Brian.
We followed this up with lots of fun activities in Golden Time this afternoon.
Tuesday 1st February 2022 - Design Technology Day 2
The four wheeled vehicles are finished! We are really excited to bring them home to show you. Please ask us about 'axels' and 'chassis' because we know all about them now! We also used hacksaws today and wore safety goggles: we felt really grown up!
Monday 31st January 2022 - Design Technology Day 1
Day one saw us creating vehicle shapes out of boxes. The children then covered them with paper mache and gave them a base coat of paint. It has been a busy and messy but very fun day!
Tomorrow, we will be adding the wheels, axels and chassis and final decorative elements. Don't forget non-uniform again!
Thursday 27th January 2022
Making our clay vehicles this week was lots of fun! Don't forget next week you need messy clothes for Monday and Tuesday as we will be making our junk modelling versions.
Friday 21st January 2022
We are continuing our focus on Vehicles and Transport in Year 2. This week, we studied the history of car development and the children sketched their own designs for a four-wheeled vehicle. In Golden Time, today, many children chose to build their own 3d models of vehicles. Next week, we will be attempting to make a model of the vehicles from clay: wish us luck!
Monday 10th January 2022
This term our theme in Year 2 is transport. We will be learning about the changes in transport over time and also designing some of our own modes of transport.
Last week, we learnt about the Wright Brothers and were inspired to make our own aircraft. We competed to see which design flew the furthest!
Today, in our DT lesson we started learning about the design process for cars. Mrs Brierley parked her car on the the playground so that we could try to sketch it. We also discussed features on vehicles which will help us to plan our own vehicle designs across this half term.
Monday 13th December 2021
Year 2 had a truly magical day on The Polar Express.
Friday 19th November 2021
Today, Year 2 recreated 'The Great Fire of London' when we burnt our houses. We watched, from a safe distance, as the fire spread through the closely packed streets. We discussed why the fire spread so quickly in 1666.
The Great Fire of London
Tuesday 16th November 2021
In Science, we have been looking at habitats. We conducted a 'choice chamber' experiment with morio worms. We set up four areas with different conditions: dark and damp, dark and dry, light and damp, light and dry. Then we made our predictions. We found that, of the 20 morio worms that we placed in the centre, 18 preferred the dark and damp area, while 2 liked the dark and dry.
Thursday 11th November 2021
Year 2 gathered together to take part in a two-minute silence at 11am. It seemed like a long time to stay quiet for but everyone did brilliantly! We have been learning about the traditions of Remembrance Day and when it started. You could ask your child about the Victory Medal we studied in our Design Technology lesson this week and see what they can remember...
Friday 5th November 2021
Remember, Remember the 5th of November, Gunpowder, Treason and Plot.
This week in Year 2 we have had lots of fun learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.
If your child hasn't mentioned it yet, you could use these photographs to help prompt them.
We've been amazed at school with how many of the facts the children have been able to remember. Next week we will be using this inspiration to help us write newspaper reports.
Friday 22nd October 2021
Yesterday, a visitor from Rhythm Connections came to teach the children Samba drumming. Some of the children attended an assembly while others attended a workshop. They experienced drumming from Brazil and the rhythms used within a carnival. The children learnt how to memorise the rhythms, using sentences, and how the band leader communicates with the other musicians as they’re marching, dancing and playing.
Friday 15th October 2021
Over the last couple of weeks, Year 2 have been carrying out some investigations in Science. We have used hard boiled eggs to represent our teeth and observed them in different liquids to see the damage caused. We found that vinegar caused the most damage, dissolving the shell completely. Orange juice caused the shell to become sand-like, while cola stained it brown. We also investigated the spread of germs by handling a piece of bread with dirty hands, sanitised hands and hands washed in soap and water. The results showed us why it is so important to wash our hands properly.
Wednesday 6th October 2021
Year 2 enjoyed Florence Nightingale Day!
Friday 1st October 2021
It's been another exciting week in Year 2. This week we have been writing non-chronological texts about tortoises. We have expanded our vocabulary; learning words like hibernate and vivarium. We developed our understanding of Harvest Festivals and really enjoyed taking part in the whole school assembly on Thursday. Thank you for your contributions for HARP. If you'd like to hear one of the songs we've been singing together at school, you can click on the link below:
Harvest Samba (Cabbages and Greens)
Our quality text this week was also linked with Harvest, we read The Little Red Hen. Why not ask your child if they can retell you the story?
Friday 24th September 2021
We've had another exciting week in Year 2 with lots of visitors!
On Wednesday, the characters from our shared text (Esio Trot) came in to be interviewed by the children, who had pre-prepared questions they wanted to ask.
On Thursday, Mrs Begley brought in her pet tortoises for us to meet. Next week we will be writing non-chronological reports on tortoises so we tried to listen carefully and ask good questions so that we could learn lots of facts about them.
Monday 13th September 2021
There was much excitement in Year 2, last Thursday, when Mrs Morden came rushing into the classrooms to tell us she had seen a wolf! It fired up everyone's imaginations, as we began planning how we might catch it. The children made posters and put them up around the school asking others to help look for the wolf. We had lots of fun on Friday afternoon designing and making traps in the garden. This morning, Mrs Dammery let us know that the traps had been successful and that the wolf, who turned out to be very friendly and lost, had been relocated to a lovely, safe new home.
(Warning: No real wolves were harmed in this completely imaginative event!)