Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
Tuesday 14th June 2022
Year 1 have used their Science knowledge about bubbles to create some fantastic pieces of 'Bubble Art'. This follows on from our Aboriginal Art where we learnt about printing repeating patterns. We have explored how we can use bubbles to create unique and interesting prints. They had a fantastic time and created some brilliant pieces of work. A member of Class 4 described the activity as 'Bubbletastic!'
Tuesday 7th June 2022
Year 1 have started a new Science topic on Bubbles. We have explored how bubbles are made - looking at the soap and water sandwich that makes up the outer layer. We then had some fun exploring different variables to make bubbles outside. We looked at using different shaped and sized wands and how we could create 'caterpillar' bubbles and putting bubbles inside of one another. We had lots of fun!
Friday 1st April 2022
Year 1 have been learning about the Victorians in their History lessons. We recently had a Victorian Day where we explored what it was like to go to a Victorian school, what toys Victorian children played with and handled lots of Victorian artefacts amongst many other exciting activities. We even had a visit from Queen Victoria herself as her coach broke down outside the school and she popped in to see the children. The children really immersed themselves in the experience and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Wednesday 9th March 2022
We are exploring the story of The Gingerbread Man in our English lessons this week. We have created our own gingerbread men, acted out the story to the class and made our own story maps so far. The children are really great at joining in with the story and repeating the refrain 'Run, run as fast as you can! You can' catch me I am The Gingerbread Man.
Thursday 3rd March 2022
Year 1 had a fantastic time during World Book Day. We wrote our very own stories for a partner in Year 5 and they wrote a story for us. We shared these stories with them - which had been tailored to include some of their favourite things. We really enjoyed taking part in the parade and sharing our favourite characters and books with the class.
Friday 4th February 2022
In PSHE we are learning about 'People who keep us safe'. We have identified people within the community that keep us safe and what their roles are. We were very lucky to have a visit from PC Hayward and PC Hill and they spoke to us all about their jobs as Police Officers. We had a question and answer session, we got to handle and explore their kit and even got to see the police car which they drove onto the playground! We saw how they turned the sirens on and off which was very exciting.
We then completed fingerprinting activities and colouring which they gave to us in Golden Time. It was a very exciting day and we learnt a lot.Friday 10th December 2021
Year 1 have had a very creative two days making elves. Our DT focus was learning about sliders and hinges. We designed our elves on Thursday and wrote down the equipment we would need to make them. Our elves had bendable arms and a movable head. The children were able to decorate their elves however they wanted. We were really proud of how hard the children worked and what everyone achieved.
Tuesday 23rd November 2021
Year 1 have been exploring how to classify animals into different groups. We have explored the terms carnivore, herbivore and omnivore in our most recent lessons. We explored what the diets of these animals are and what types of animals would be sorted into these categories.
We were dissecting 'poo' in our most recent lesson (a mixture of flour, water, colouring, grass, sweetcorn and pasta as the 'bones'). Children applied their knowledge from their topic to decide which sort of animal had left these remains behind. They had lots of fun and investigated with great enthusiasm and curiosity!
Monday 15th November 2021
We have been exploring Anti-Bullying Week in our PSHE lessons this week. Today we spoke about what bullying is and how to ask for help. We then discussed the theme of 'One Kind Word.' We spoke about how saying 'One Kind Word' to somebody else can have a positive impact on their day. We are in the process of building a 'One Kind Word' tree for our classrooms - watch this space!
We were very excited to celebrate 'Odd Socks Day' and we discussed how our differences should be celebrated and make us all unique. We then took part in lots of activities surrounding these themes including 'Caught You Being Kind' cards, designing our own odd socks and colouring positive messages and pictures.
In our Maths lessons this week we are exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We have practiced pronouncing the names of these shapes, identifying what they look like and sorting them into categories according to their properties. We investigated whether or not the 3D shapes could stack other shapes on top of them and whether or not they rolled or slid across the floor.
Wednesday 3rd November 2021
This week we introduced the lesson of Geography - learning about different places on Earth. We looked at Google Maps at the area around our school and started thinking about our journeys to school. Then we used our Now>Press>Play equipment to immerse ourselves in an audio adventure using some maps.
Friday 22nd October 2021
Yesterday, a visitor from Rhythm Connections came to teach the children Samba drumming. Some of the children attended an assembly while others attended a workshop. They experienced drumming from Brazil and the rhythms used within a carnival. The children learnt how to memorise the rhythms, using sentences, and how the band leader communicates with the other musicians as they’re marching, dancing and playing.
Monday 27th September 2021
This week in our Maths lessons we are looking at ordering objects and numbers using the language 'smallest' and 'greatest'. This follows on from learning about 'greater than, less than and equal to' last week.
This morning in the classroom we ordered a range of different objects from candles on cakes to sweets on plates and building our own towers out of multilink. We started to explore what the numbers in between could be if we already knew the smallest and greatest numbers too. We then went on to explore a range of different activities related to this topic in our classroom.
Wednesday 22nd September 2021
In Science this term, Year One have been learning about 'Senses'. We explored our sense of taste by testing different types of food and discussing which flavour categories they might fit into. We tasted sour lemons, sweet bananas and strawberries and salty crackers and crisps. We learnt how the taste buds on our tongues help us detect which flavours food might be and how it felt to eat these different foods.
Year 1 have been exploring colour theory in their Art lessons this week. We were given the challenge to explore how we could use just the Primary colours and white to mix colours for our skin, hair and facial features. As we are all so unique we all had to look very carefully to figure out which colours we would need to mix for our self-portraits - as it was often different to our partners! We had lots of fun and produced some excellent self-portraits to go on display in our classroom gallery.
Friday 17th September 2021
Year 1 are currently exploring the topic 'All About Me' in their theme lessons. We have been learning about the different parts of our bodies and their functions. Our art lessons have been a great opportunity to truly delve into the details of our facial features. We have been able to start creating our own self-portraits using what we have learnt about the proportions of the face. Over the next few weeks, we will begin to explore colour mixing with paint to add colour to our portraits - so keep your eyes peeled to see our magnificent work!