Year 6
Tuesday 28th February 2023
In Science, Year 6 have been learning about 'adaptation and evolution' during our focus on 'living things'. The children learnt about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution through natural selection. During his expedition to the Galapagos Islands in 1985, Charles Darwin recognised that they were species of Finches on each island that slightly differed to one another. He came to the conclusion that the differences in their beak shape and size was a result of the finches adapting to their environment; something that happened naturally over many 100s of years because of the different food available on each island. For example, the 'Vampire Finches' have long, sharp beaks to enable them to pierce cactus plants and to suck the blood out of the wounds of other, larger birds! On other islands, where there is an abundance of hard-shelled nuts, finches have shorter, sturdier beaks; allowing them to crush the shells.
With his findings in mind, Year 6 turned into finches! They were given a different 'beak' each in their finch groups and took it in turns to visit different islands with different food types. They quickly understood how different tools (beaks) were more adapt to certain food types. As you can see, they had a lot of fun!

Tuesday 22nd November 2022
As part of their RE, our Year 6 children chose to adopt the Humanist approach of caring for the environment and do a good deed by litter picking in the streets surrounding our school.
It was a bright, sunny autumn day, we went out in small groups armed with litter pickers, gloves and bin bags. We all really enjoyed the feeling of doing something good for the local community. The children were so enthusiastic that they actually ended up retrieving rubbish from the front gardens of local residents!
We managed to collect 4 bin bags of rubbish! The most random find was a toothbrush in The Fairway and a flannel in Eastwood Road North. The children were hoping to find the whole bathroom suite!

Friday 7th October 2022
As part of this half term's theme, the children in Year 6 have been learning about World War II.
This week, in our History lessons, they have been organising World War II events and organising them into a timeline.
This raised a lot of questions from the children who are extremely keen to find out more about this period in our history.

Duxford - Imperial War Museum
Last Friday, as part of their World War II History curriculum, Year 6 visited Duxford Air Museum. The children immersed themselves into the experience by dressing as evacuees, in clothes of the era. Many public visitors at the venue commented on how fantastic the children looked!
Year 6 loved the whole day, looking at all the exhibits of tanks, planes, trucks, uniforms and weapons, learning more and more about the war and what people went through at the time.
Seeing a Spitfire and a Hurricane was amazing but there was all types of aircraft at the museum and the children even went inside Concorde!
The highlight of the day for many was seeing the planes and helicopters of World War II practising on the airfield, as Duxford was holding a special Battle of Britain event the following day.