Over the last few weeks, Year 4 have attempted to make a boat type structure, which both floats and moves using a propelling mechanism. As you can see, we tested our product in a trough of water, with varying success, but lots of fun!
Friday 19th May 2023
Today in Maths, the children in Year 4 worked in Learning Partners to play a board game that tested and consolidated their understanding of equivalent fractions and decimals.
Friday 12th May 2023
Year 4 took part in a Now Press Play experience, which is similar to a silent disco!
The experience was part of our Anglo-Saxon topic and they were immersed in a story where they helped stop a raid on a farming village!
Friday 28th April 2023
Every week, all classes are fortunate enough to have a session in our library.
During this time, pupils can peruse different genres of literature, which helps develop their own taste and preferences, as well as expose them to a wide range of books and authors. Class adults and our knowledgeable librarian assist with their choices and questions.
As you can see, our Year 4 children find this a rewarding time.
Monday 24th April 2023
What an exciting day Year 4 had on Monday when we spent the day as Anglo-Saxons!
We put in to practice the aspects of Anglo-Saxon life which we have learned about this term. During the morning, we were fascinated to see replicas of Anglo-Saxon weapons and tools. As archeologists, we studied a variety of artefacts to discover what they could tell us about life in Britain at that time. Later in the day, we played games to help us to remember the types of food the Anglo-Saxons ate and we created our Anglo-Saxon names using runes. The day ended with a pagan burial, where we recreated the discovery of the burial of an Anglo-Saxon king in a boat at Sutton Hoo.
Our visitors, who led the day commented on how impressed they were with our knowledge and understanding of this period of history; they told us that we had answered many questions most children do not know the answers to!
Tuesday 18th April 2023
Year 4 made oatcakes to link with our learning about the Anglo-Saxons. The children made their own butter to use as an ingredient in the oatcakes.
Thursday 2nd March 2023
On World Book Day, Year 4 read an extract from 'The BFG' by Roald Dahl, ' Frobscottle and Whizzpoppers', then created their own potions using Troll Wee, Dragon Blood and Powered Unicorn Horn.
Tuesday 7th February 2023
Today, in English, we began planning our own Polar Adventure stories with our Learning Partners. You can see from the photos that we were quite engrossed in this.
Thursday 2nd February 2023
We've had great fun building circuits and then testing different materials to determine whether they were conductors or insulators.
Wednesday 25th January 2023
Year 4 had a great time visiting the Southend and Westcliff Synagogue. We all learned a lot from Jeff and it was great to see the items we’d learned about in school in real life. It was great fun trying on the different kippahs. We gasped when the other Geoff opened the Ark containing the beautiful Torah Scrolls! Our very own ‘Rabbi Ralph’ went up on the bimah and stood where the real Rabbi would stand in front of the Ark and he even got to sit in the Rabbi’s chair!
This trip wrapped up the unit of RE nicely, which asked: ‘What can we learn from religions about what is right and wrong?’
Talk to your grown-ups about the trip. What was your favourite part? How many artefacts can you remember? What are they used for? Why are they used? Why do the males wear a kippah? Other words that might help: yad, menorah, mezuzah, rimonim, Hebrew.
Thursday 12th January 2023
Today in Science, Year 4 carried out an investigation to try to build a working electrical circuit.
Tuesday 13th December 2022
Year 4 made Rocky Road bars. We linked this idea to our theme of A Victorian Christmas as we learned that people in Victorian times made sweet treats as presents and tree decorations.
Thursday 17th November 2022
In Science today, Year 4 were set a challenge to create a set of pan pipes that created sounds of different pitches and explain why the pitch changed.
Friday 14th October 2022
Year 4 enjoying learning about Ancient Egyptians through History, Geography, Art &DT and English.
During our DT lesson, as part of Ancient Egyptians Theme, we made hummus from chick peas. it was good fun and tasted great- just like you can buy, if not better!
We also completed a Now Press Play in Science this week based on the water cycle.
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