As part of their RE looking at the big question: What matters most to Christians and to Humanists, our Year 6 children chose to adopt the Humanist approach of caring for the environment and do a good deed by litter picking in the streets surrounding our school. We went out in small groups armed with litter pickers, bin bags and directions.
We all really enjoyed the feeling of doing something good for the local community. The children were so enthusiastic that they actually ended up retrieving rubbish from the front gardens of local residents!
We managed to collect 6 bin bags of rubbish! The most random find was a big metal pipe, a flannel in The Fairway and a sock in Moor Park Gardens. The children were quite appalled at the amount of rubbish they found.
You could ask your child how the litter picking links to the Humanist approach. Perhaps you could go litter picking as a family and see who can collect the most rubbish!
Wednesday 29th November 2023
This term, Year 6 have been working toward answering the question: What matters most to Christians and to Humanists?
'Peace' is definitely important to both organisations. With this in mind, we wrote our ideas for making and keeping peace on leaves. When we had completed them, we made a Human Peace Vine before we stuck them in our books.
What would you do to keep the peace? You could also discuss the similarities and differences between Christians and Humanists to see if you can answer our over-arching question.
Thursday 16th November 2023
This afternoon in their Science lesson, as part of their new theme of 'Light and Sound', Year 6 designed an experiment to prove that light travels in straight lines.
Monday 13th November 2023
Year 6 have designed and created postcards based on the theme of 'Wonderful Water' to enter the National Non-Fiction November competition. For inspiration, we used the book 'Sea Change: Save the Ocean', which is a collection of original postcards and messages from 50 illustrators across the world, working to celebrate and protect the precious life in our oceans.
Thursday 2nd November 2023
This afternoon, Year 6 designed and carried out a range of investigations linked to electricity. They used a variety of equipment to make circuits including: buzzers, motors with fans, lightbulbs and switches.
Friday 20th October 2023
An officer from the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service visited Year 6 to deliver a presentation focused on Cyber Safety and Cyber Bullying.
Their objectives were for every pupil to: understand the risks of being online; understand what cyberbullying is and the impact and consequences of online bullying; understand what an online scam is and how to keep information safe; understand how to stay safe online when using social media, games and website.
The children listened with interest and had the chance to ask the officer questions at the end of the session.
Friday 15th September 2023
As part of their World War II History curriculum, Year 6 visited Duxford Air Museum. The children immersed themselves into the experience by dressing as evacuees. Many public visitors at the venue commented on how fantastic the children looked!
Year 6 loved the whole day, looking at all the exhibits of tanks, planes, trucks, uniforms and weapons, learning more and more about the war and life on the Home Front.
Seeing a Spitfire and a Hurricane was amazing, but there was all types of aircraft at the museum and the children even went inside Concorde!
The highlight of the day for many was seeing the planes and helicopters of World War II practising on the airfield, as Duxford was holding an air show the next day.
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